The Coaching Contract
The below Coaching Contract represents the undertaking of both The Coach and The Client during a Coaching Relationship together. By purchasing a Coaching Package you [The Client] agree to the terms and conditions of this Coaching Contract, as does The Coach. For any variation of the Terms & Conditions listed below, an email must be sent from The Coach to The Client with a response from The Client agreeing to the updated terms.
Coaching is a process in which the client wishes to achieve personal growth in their life and the coach is there to act as a guide and to provide structure and method to the process of analysing the challenge and aiding the client in developing strategies and ways of thinking to accomplish change. It is the client who achieves change, the coach can not ever do this for the client.
Coaching can involve any aspect of the client's life, including career, mental, emotional, physical, relational and financial. The client retails full responsibility for all of these, their own wellbeing and is sole responsible for any actions or decisions they take as a result of the coaching process. The client recognises that the coach is not and can not be held liable for any action or inaction or any direct or indirect result of the coaching process. The client recognised that coaching cannot 'cure' anything, mental or physical and is not a replacement for therapy or medical help.
It is essential that confidentiality be maintained and trust established between coach and client. Our work together will remain completely confidential, and what is discussed in session will not be discussed outside of that session. The only exception to this rule is where a coach may discuss issues arising from sessions with their own mentor or coach, although when this happens anonymity is maintained.
The coach may take notes in sessions in order to better understand the client and aid in preparation for subsequent sessions. These notes will never be passed on to a third party. Any notes will be retained for the period of coaching, and then a period of six years, in case the client wishes to return to coaching at a later date.
Within our strict code of confidentiality, the coach will need to keep your name, contact details, and attendance data on record. The coach keeps a record of all appointments offered, attended, and cancelled, and of the payments made. The coach does this so that the business, Inspirea LTD, can run an efficient appointments system and make sure that the premises are safe for everyone.
Subject to local regulation, you have a right to see all of your notes and records. If you would like to see the information that the coach may have about you, please ask at any point throughout the counselling process.
In accepting the offer of coaching you agree to these records being kept.
This may vary on a case by case basis. It is possible for coaching to be approached on a session by session basis, or blocks / packages of sessions. By its nature, coaching can be open ended, but committing to blocks / packages may reap greater rewards as it represents a greater investment in the process on the part of the client.
We will work on a session to session basis.
Where a block / package of sessions has been purchased the client commits to completing this on a weekly basis with a buffer of an additional one week to complete. For example, the purchase of a six week package would need to be completed within seven weeks of the package commencing.
Each coaching session will be 60 minutes long except for Introductory Calls or Progress Check-In calls which will be 30 minutes.
The client agrees to the fees payable as set out in the acuity:scheduling summary.
For the Emerging Leaders Development Programme (Pay-In-Full) package the fees are payable in advance before sessions will commence.
For the Emerging Leaders Development Programme (3 Month Payment Plan) package the fees are split into three payments. The first payment, covering one-third of the package cost, is required before the program begins. The second payment is due three months after the initial payment. The final payment is due six months after the initial payment. All payments must be completed regardless of whether the client uses all available sessions, unless a break clause is explicitly stated in their unique Terms and Conditions. (See ‘Break Clause’ below.)
For the Emerging Leaders Development Programme (6 Month Payment Plan) package the fees are split into six payments. The first payment, covering one-sixth of the package cost, is required before the program begins. The second payment is due one month after the initial payment. The final payment is due two months after the initial payment. The monthly payments continue up to the sixth payment which is due five months after the initial payment. All payments must be completed regardless of whether the client uses all available sessions, unless a break clause is explicitly stated in their unique Terms and Conditions. (See ‘Break Clause’ below.)
For the Emerging Leaders Development Programme (12 Month Payment Plan) package the fees are split into twelve payments. The first payment, covering one-twelfth of the package cost, is required before the program begins. The second payment is due one month after the initial payment. The final payment is due two months after the initial payment. This continues up to the twelfth payment which is due eleven months after the initial payment. All payments must be completed regardless of whether the client uses all available sessions, unless a break clause is explicitly stated in their unique Terms and Conditions. (See ‘Break Clause’ below.)
A break clause can be requested as part of this agreement. If a break clause is applied, the following conditions will apply:
Documentation and Agreement:
A DocuSign agreement will be shared as an addendum to these Terms and Conditions.
The addendum will be signed and dated by Inspirea's lead coach and will include the individual’s name.
Break Clause Terms:
The break clause stipulates that if sessions 7 through 12 of the 12-session program have not been scheduled or held, the individual may request a refund for the final six sessions.
This refund request must be submitted via email.
Timing and Requirements:
The break clause must be agreed upon, and the addendum must be signed before any payments are made and prior to signing these Terms and Conditions.
Ambiguous Scenarios:
If any ambiguous scenarios arise concerning the break clause, Inspirea reserves the right to determine how to handle the situation at its sole discretion.
Session to session arrangements can be cancelled at any time with at least 24hrs notice prior to an arranged session. Where a block has been paid for, cancellation is not possible as it would defeat the purpose of committing to a block. However, changes in session times should be made 24hrs before the agreed time and in accordance with agreed procedure. A break in a block may be arranged by mutual consent.
If at any time you experience problems with the coaching process, it is best to bring it up with the coach and attempt to overcome any obstacles that may have arisen. The coach and client undertake in good faith to resolve any problems to the best of their ability and to the satisfaction of both parties. If in the unlikely event a problem still remains, we recommend that the parties seek a mediation from an impartial third party.
If any ambiguous scenarios arise concerning the break clause, Inspirea reserves the right to determine how to handle the situation at its sole discretion.
I undertake to act to the best of my ability as your coach and to work to help identify your personal and professional goals. I undertake to offer you my full and undivided attention during our sessions together, to offer no judgement, only observation. I will never tell you what to do, as you will always decide for yourself, I will only seek to help you explore the possibilities available to you. I promise to adhere to the values and principles of the Achology manifesto, and to do my very best to ensure you have a productive and transformative experience in alignment with your own values, goals and stated desires. I will be totally committed to your desire for change and fulfilment and celebrate your ever success.
I cannot offer any expertise in relation to mental or physical health, and if these are issues I will always advise you visit a relevant professional.
I look forward to a fulfilling and exciting coaching journey with you.
Name & Signature: Rosie F Becker
Date: 25th September 2024
By accepting these terms and conditions the client also agrees to the following statement.
I [the client] am motivated and committed to the coaching process. I understand that in order to achieve results, my full participation and commitment is required.
I accept full responsibility for myself and any actions I take that might result from Coaching and I promise that I am healthy enough physically and mentally to engage in coaching. I know that I must take the responsibility for my life in order to empower myself to achieve the change I wish to make and that no one else can do this for me.
I can afford the Coaching fee at this time and I agree to honour my scheduled session times. If my circumstances change I will tell my coach as soon as possible.
I have read and agree with the Coaching Agreement Terms & Conditions set out above by selecting the Terms & Conditions checkbox on payment through Acuity Scheduling.